Reference book
When to meditate, where and how? Initially, meditating is related to sitting, hence the word zazen. Here you will discover the main elements of zazen posture and its effects on energy flow according to standards of Chinese medicine.
In this book you will also see how neurosciences shed light on the benefits of meditation,i.e how to deal with emotions, stress, doubt, how to make a decision.
Published by Editions Ellipses , Paris, 2020
In the press
Zengyo supports executives and employees on crucial topics, like management,skills development and well-being at work.
Knowing how to make decisions without being strictly connected to our emotions or our beliefs.
Published in le Périscope sept 2021

Confidence, the line and the territory
The question of trust arises at the level of a country, as for a company. The manager who trusts his collaborator favors his autonomy: he motivates him to take initiatives; this is how to be efficient.
This is only possible if there is mutual trust. An employee who trusts his manager will perform well. Hence employee and manager will have a common vision.
Observation and action
Notice the situation. Observe facts. Also perceive your emotions. Focus on facts. Don’t hang on your emotions.
Pay attention to your actions. Be responsible. If the context calls for action, take action. If the circumstances call for no action, be still.

Fear, Caution and the Vaccine
Fear generates caution, some people tell. Yet fear is a feeling that originates deep in our brain. Fear triggers cerebral amygdala, the limbic system. While caution is the result of a rational attitude, the result of an analysis of the situation. This analysis is performed by the neocortex, in particular the prefrontal cortex.